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Reps and Sets

Fundamentals and elements of building an exercise schedule. Today's element that we will talk about from the elements of building the exercise schedule is the repetition rate and the number of rounds for the exercises, the repetition rate and the number of rounds. The exercises are not random. They are chosen for a goal. The goal is based on need and schedule. This plan is based on a scientific basis to reach the goal.


Client Type

Some basic elements of mathematical table construction. This is a very basic component from the start. From the start, you should inform your coach or sports science specialist about your direct supervisor and about your sports schedule. This information you must communicate whether you are an athlete or even a professional athlete because this makes a difference in the equation. During the construction of the sports schedule will differentiate you should inform your coach or sports science specialist.


Your Coach

Some basic elements of building an exercise schedule. The table of exercises touches and consists of several elements. One of these essential elements from the very beginning is choosing your trainer. Choosing your trainer is based on the ability and scientific background of this trainer. There are many types of trainers who consist or have several specializations. One of these specializations is found in the State of Kuwait by some specialists, who is the trainer of fitness and physical strength.


Trainers Type

Build an exercise schedule that determines your destination. It determines the future of sports or the future of exercises, the future of a healthy body, etc., etc. Many things relate to building an exercise schedule. The exercise schedule is determined or built from many things. The one responsible for this construction is the specialist, the person you went to, and he built this schedule for you these days. That's it. The time for experiment is over. Now is the time for science.


Metronome in exercising

About some of the tools and some equipment that you can use during your performance of the sport, your performance of the exercise, your performance of any sports work that needs coordination that needs coordination that needs to be based or that you perform it on a specific routine. A very carefully drawn and coordinated routine so that you get the best benefit from the option by doing this work or physical performance. Specifically today we will talk about a device called Metro Nome.




Some basic elements of mathematical table construction. This is a very basic component from the start. From the start, you should inform your coach or sports science specialist about your direct supervisor and about your sports schedule. This information you must communicate whether you are an athlete or even a professional athlete because this makes a difference in the equation. During the construction of the sports schedule will differentiate you should inform your coach or sports science specialist. If you are an athlete, a professional athlete, or a tok, see who has been injured, whether it is a joint in a muscle, a sports injury in general, or even whether it was an accident, God forbid. This point must be reached by a sensor that builds a complete table on this axis on the basis that you return to the zero point, which is a natural point for you. The level of strength, the level of elongation, muscle fitness and joint fitness as movement with space. The joint movement space on the basis that it returns to its normal level. After that, a complete table is built that increases and develops from this place if there is an injury or if you suffer from a specific disease, God forbid, because there are many chronic diseases for which a special table is built, a special table, a tight schedule for this disease God forbid. For example, cardiology, cardiology for which a complete cardiorehabilitation schedule is built. In this schedule, the specialist extracts the exercises. The cardiac rehabilitation schedule has its full needs, first, a full period of time, and even analyzes. I mean, it is possible. Whether you are supposing the analyzes of a professional player differ from the player’s analyzes, or even a patient who suffers from a chronic disease, far from evil from you, you must inform the coach because these are all procedures that exist in the protocols of organized and controlled systems. On the day you inform the trainer at this point, what kind of trainee are you? What kind of trainee is it? When you remember what kind of trainee you are, the trainer says, “This is the best program for you, and this is what keeps pace with your program, your health condition, or your sporting condition, whether you are an athlete or a professional player.

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Some criteria for vital signs in the human body is an important title and important reading for every person, whether he is an athlete or not, and we will talk today about blood pressure, which is a very important standard First, to maintain your activity during the day, and of course, by monitoring your blood pressure, and when you maintain your blood pressure, you can maintain mental activity, physical activity, concentration, and athletic performance. A specialized person as well, and it was through the stethoscope and the cuff that is placed on the hand, and after the development of science, technology and modern medicine, blood pressure devices and readings are available, including the wrist cuff, which is a device available in most pharmacies and health centers.

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Build an exercise schedule that determines your destination. It determines the future of sports or the future of exercises, the future of a healthy body, etc., etc. Many things relate to building an exercise schedule. The exercise schedule is determined or built from many things. The one responsible for this construction is the specialist, the person you went to, and he built this schedule for you these days. That's it. The time for experiment is over. Now is the time for science. Everything is built on solid scientific foundations, protocols, and systems that have a scientifically proven benefit. It is useful in Kuwait in particular, we have different types and trainers. Mostly used in Kuwait is the regular trainer whose name is a trainer or a coach. He is a person who has taken a course of one week, two weeks, a month, two to three months, with a lot. Through this course, he obtained a certificate of six, and through this certificate he became a trainer and began to train people and participants in Kuwait. The advantage of this or this trained person is that he took a course in a game, which is impossible to be comprehensive. A trainer who holds a Kashan certificate is a trainer who took an aspect of the sport, studied this aspect, succeeded in studying it, and took the certificate. After that, he started training through this certificate, as he trains the trainees constructively. On this course that I take, whether it is a bodybuilding course, a course that is dedicated to a physical fitness course, to a muscle strength course, in these courses it is specific. The other side is that he is a student of physical education, physical education, so he is a student of what is called education, so he is from education, so he educates the participant on a sport that is determined because he is physical education, which is a bachelor’s degree, of course, in the State of Kuwait, so he will be a student of sports. The holder of a physical education certificate, on the day he chooses a player who prefers to be a sports player, whether from the games currently present in the clubs, whether it is football, whether it is group volleyball, individual games, the person or coach for the study of physical education has more experience in sports, he has The tactician has more experience and background in offensive and defensive plans, and how to get the highest score for the highest score, whether in group games or in individual games.

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About some of the tools and some equipment that you can use during your performance of the sport, your performance of the exercise, your performance of any sports work that needs coordination that needs coordination that needs to be based or that you perform it on a specific routine. A very carefully drawn and coordinated routine so that you get the best benefit from the option by doing this work or physical performance. Specifically today we will talk about a device called Metro Nome. The metro sleep device is a percussive device, a percussive device, whether auditory or visual, through an audio rhythm that the device gives you, or by looking so that people in a light signal turn off and look like in front of you, and it gives you an indicator that becomes a percussive device, whether audio or visual. Of course, in the past, the device used to be like this, a separate device in itself, which is a complete standing sleep metro device with a light indicator and an audio indicator through the speaker. What is the importance of this device? The importance of this device is that there are some tests or some exercise in general. You go to the gym, you go to the gym, you do exercise at home, there are some exercises that need to use the meter, for example using the threshold to go up and down to use or exercise the lower part of the the body. The use of the metro in this exercise is the threshold exercise, so that it is limited to the threshold, and the threshold goes down or jumps, and things like these tests or these exercises, you need a device that organizes this process for you, because accuracy in these exercises leads to developing the result, so you get unprecedented and unexpected results. From you, but by paying more attention to the harmony of the movement through the balance of the movement through the metro and who is the rhythmic device. Umm Trump device I mean, for example, when you turn on the device and start coordinating the step for you so that when you ascend, you raise your right leg, lower it and raise your left leg, or you jump on the threshold so that you jump, so you save time is its importance or the advantage of this device so that it agrees with you with time because your commitment to time will You balance with inhalation and exhalation.

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Fundamentals and elements of building an exercise schedule. Today's element that we will talk about from the elements of building the exercise schedule is the repetition rate and the number of rounds for the exercises, the repetition rate and the number of rounds. The exercises are not random. They are chosen for a goal. The goal is based on need and schedule. This plan is based on a scientific basis to reach the goal. For example, if a person wants to perform some exercises, if they are resistance exercises, resistance exercises. We often tell many people to count twelve repetitions as twelve counts for the other hand, for example, or on a squash exercise, so for example, fifteen or eight repetitions are performed, so what is the difference? There is a difference, it is not a number, so that you do the number of repetitions until you reach the stage of fatigue, after which the round stops. The ratio and the numbers of repetitions have a goal and have a direction, you direct the body. The rule is that from one to three repetitions to increase strength, do another one to three repetitions to increase strength. Repeat four to six times to increase your starting strength. Power to increase power from four to six to increase power from eight to fifteen twelve fifteen to increase muscle mass to increase muscle mass. It is possible that one inquires and says that if I work twenty, I work thirty-five, then when I do any work, I direct the muscle of fifteen or more to the fifty, until it is. Muscular fitness Increasing muscular fitness Production increases muscle fitness making it capable of repetition for a high number with a constant weight. This fitness is muscular. If you were able to carry a high weight and it was the highest number of repetitions of two bases, then this is where you work the strength. The strength of the muscle decreases. The level increases. This is so that you can carry weights. Record in the future. You spread, for example, sixty kilograms, sixty kilograms, with a number of repetitions twice. Next time, you can remove with a number of repetitions three times. You have paralyzed and increased muscle strength, so that you can lift more weights.

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